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Manager, Community Investment & Social Innovation - Private Sector

"The business environment has experienced rapid change marked by economic disruption, failed financial institutions, a blurring of boundaries between the public, private and social sectors, and changing expectations regarding the role of business in society today. In my role, these changes have contributed to the evolution of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) function from its early years as community engagement programming to today as a strategic pillar of corporations globally. As a result, careers in this field combine knowledge of business fundamentals with stakeholder engagement aimed at creating positive social impact in communities."

Salary Range:

$80,000 - $125,750

The Tip

Become an evidence-based manager. The days of managing by intuition are over.

Priority Knowledge & Skills
Systems Thinking

Knowledge & ability to:

  • Understand systems thinking

  • Identify and make plans for future trends

  • Recognize trends, opportunities and underlying patterns

Human-Centered Design & Design Thinking

Knowledge & ability to:

  • Think laterally

  • Identify patterns

  • Work with third-party groups, such as think tanks, labs and accelerators

  • Synthesize key issues


Communication, Collaboration & Facilitation

Knowledge & ability to:

  • Use contextual knowledge

  • Communicate effectively in all formats

  • Cultivate new collaborations and partnerships across sectors

  • Use technology and specialized collaboration tools

  • Compelling presentation & report writing skills


Knowledge & ability to:

  • Be authentic, empathetic and ethical

  • Apply changemaking principles to create impact

  • Ask questions

  • Embrace challenges as opportunities to create systemic change

  • Demonstrate long-term social impact and sustainability

  • Break down silos and leverage relationships

  • Engage a changemaker mindset


Oversight & Knowledge Management

Knowledge & ability to:

  • Develop and manage the planning process

  • Direct coordination of activities across departments, stakeholders, clients & users

  • Manage operations & resources; provide oversight

  • Leverage stakeholder relationships

  • Develop and implement program schedules

  • Budget management & oversight

  • Evaluate social, financial and collective impact


Core Transferable Skills

Be an expert at all core transferable skills:

  • Thinking skills

  • Communications skills

  • Organizational skills

  • Interpersonal skills

  • Technical literacy

Building Block Experiences
Education & Learning:
  • Bachelor of Science (Psychology)

  • Master of Business Administration

  • Ongoing professional development courses to increase knowledge of community investment practices globally


I have spent a number of years working in the nonprofit, public and private sectors. My skills and knowledge have been my strength and my ability to adapt has helped me to move across disciplines and sectors. I love the variety of jobs I have had and the different organizations and industries I have been part of. This field is changing rapidly and the opportunities to work in different sectors worldwide are growing.

Employment Experiences:
  • My first job after university was at a local hospital where I helped create their volunteer program. I became very involved in managing the program as well as training volunteers in their roles at the hospital.

  • I was coordinator for partnership development and fundraising for a local charity

  • I was then recruited from my role in fund development to work in the private sector for a large national firm in their department of community investment and social innovation


I learned how to be flexible and thrive in ambiguous situations. I learned how to rely on others and be relied upon. I got comfortable in a fast-paced environment with high potential for the unexpected. My ability to use my knowledge and expertise across disciplines and sectors has proven invaluable as I have been able to apply my learnings to different situations.

Community Experiences:
  • Built social innovation knowledge and skills through volunteering on a number of advisory committees for organizations interested in achieving positive social outcomes

  • Taught workshops at junior economic club focused on building young entrepreneurs


I volunteer with people and organizations that are committed to creating a more sustainable environment by changing people’s lives and creating a positive social impact.

Contextual Experiences:
  • Active in debate club at university

  • Active in the local chapter of Toastmasters


Today, I love a good debate, but I was not a natural. I had to spend time honing these skills and practicing to the point that I actually quite enjoy speaking to groups now.


  • Belong to a creative group of friends interested in film, music, writing, design and art


My friends, colleagues and neighbours are endless sources of inspiration, knowledge, stories and creative exploration.

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