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Corporate Video Producer

"The expression “content is king” has become a cliché, but that’s because it’s true in the world of corporate communication. I work for a major international energy company and the range of video projects I’m involved in has become incredibly wide. Much of it is promotional in nature, highlighting our global operations for shareholders and potential investors. Some of it supports the company’s efforts to share its vision of corporate social responsibility: to help less-fortunate communities in countries where it operates. But I also create video for training and internal communication. Increasingly my work includes producing content for social media as well. In some respects what I do isn’t much different than a documentary filmmaker. I use visual imagery, voice, graphics and sometimes animation to tell meaningful stories. The difference is that all my work supports the company I work for."

Salary Range:

$55,000 - $75,000

The Tip

As with any media production, the keys to good corporate video work are knowing your audience and planning.

Priority Knowledge & Skills
  • Ability to develop a compelling narrative

  • Ability to develop evidence-based content

  • Ability to generate new approaches to familiar stories

  • Expertise in verbal and written use of language

  • Visual and audio recording and editing

Great at
  • Production planning & design

  • Manage projects

  • Link content with a specific audience

  • Research

Good at
  • Execute a promotional strategy

    • Ability to create and edit content for digital applications

Building Block Experiences
Education & Learning:
  • Bachelor of Communication (journalism)

  • Other education paths could include: a Bachelor of Communication majoring in broadcast media studies or a diploma in broadcast or media production from a college or technical institute

  • Completed series of editing tutorials on


"My love of TV, especially cartoons, made me think about the people who make those programs for a living. When I realized I could tell video stories for a living, I started looking for the education I’d need to do it."

Employment Experiences:
  • I interned in the communication branch of the municipal government. I appreciated the regular hours, while still working creatively as a videographer and editor.

  • After university I was hired on a contract by a big oil and gas company to shoot and edit a video on a new installation in northern Alberta. I was offered a staff position when the contract ended.

  • The company was bought by a European corporation and I was kept on. Now I work with big budgets documenting operations all over the world.


"I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to video production. I approach every project with a lot of planning and detail, ensuring my lighting is just right, the audio is clear, and that the images are sharp and meaningful. Working for a big company means there are lots of demands for my time, but the range of projects is also diverse and interesting. There’s a little more job security in the corporate world compared to other media sectors. I feel like I’ve found the perfect niche for my interests and personality."

Community Experiences:
  • I’m involved in the university and program alumni associations at my alma mater. I organized our 10-year reunion and post news from my graduating class on our Facebook page.


"University was such an important part of my life, allowing me to pursue my career interests and giving me lifelong friends. I hope my service will help give new students all the wonderful experiences I had."

Contextual Experiences:
  • In university I took part in a field school to India, where I produced a video about an orphanage. I have continued to help raise money for the program and have returned twice to put together much better videos to help attract more donations.


"It’s rewarding to be able to do something I love and help people who wouldn’t have the resources of experience to take advantage of visual storytelling."


  • I get together once a month for beers and conversation about the industry with a bunch of videographers and former classmates


"Video production evolves quickly with new equipment and resources entering the market all the time. I find other video producers are a great resource to find out what’s working and what’s not."

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